Wednesday, May 23, 2012

MFCA Show, May 18-19, 2012

I attended the Miniature Figure Collectors of America show at Valley Forge, PA, last weekend. Rather than try to describe it myself, here are their words:

The MFCA Show and Mart is one of the largest shows of its kind in the world. There is a large display area of miniature figures and models. Most of the figures are of connoisseur quality, miniature works of art in a variety of scales, from a few inches in height to almost a foot tall. Some are single figures on foot or horse and some are arranged as groups. Others are models of tanks, ships and planes in all the most common scales. There are even a few box dioramas, miniature stagings of historic scenes. Artists come from all over the world to attend and display. Visitors from Canada, Great Britain, France, Spain and Italy are common. In recent years there have been hundreds of displays.

I hadn't attended one of their shows in probably six or seven years and was astounded at the increase of the quality of the finished figures as well as the increase in prices for the various kits. Several of us were reminiscing and remembering when we could take $200 and have to make several trips to our cars with our purchases. Now, one is lucky if that amount will buy two to three figures and maybe an inexpensive book.

I took plenty of pictures with my iPhone . . . here's a link to the album I posted on Facebook:
I did manage to buy two kits. The first is Young B. Song's (Young Miniatures) bust of a DAK Panzer Officer. It's one that I have been contemplating purchasing for quite awhile and finally bit the bullet. Here's a photo of the box art:

Pirates seemed to be big this year with numerous full figures and busts entered in the competition. I was bitten by the bug and purchased the Pegaso Model's bust of Charlotte de Berry, a (possibly fictional) female pirate captain. A picture of the box art:

More on each of these as I get to them :)

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