Thursday, March 15, 2018

Lego NASA Apollo Saturn V

Here's a "little" something I worked on while prepping for last month's Old Dominion Open show. The build manual is 198 pages with 337 steps. The finished model stands around 39" tall--impressive, to say the least. It contains separate first, second, and third stages; lunar module descent and ascent modules; service module; command module; and launch escape system. There's a little moon base on which to display the LM along with four(!) astronauts and a water landing base for the command module with flotation collar. Stands are also included to enable the whole thing to be displayed horizontally. All in all, a fun three-day build with no painting needed!

Here are some shots of the build:
Stage 1, completed

Stage 2, under construction

Stage 2, under construction

Stage 3, under construction

Completed Apollo Saturn V
One thing this accomplished was to open my eyes to the scale model kits available of this generation-defining program. I hear that Dragon has a Saturn V model that's almost five feet tall!

1 comment:

  1. Looks good for Legos Mark . Are you planning on the Dragon kit ? How's the Gemini capsule doing ?
