Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Revell's 1/24 Scale Gemini Capsule

I've never attempted a project this wide-ranging and I'm viewing it as an opportunity to increase my modeling skills in quite a few areas. I'd seen photos of several finished models of the Gemini capsule on the Space Modeling Facebook page and decided to look into it.

The original 1/24 scale Revell kit was issued in 1966 and has undergone several re-boxings since then. The one I settled on was kit no. 1835 issued in 1993. I found it for a great price on eBay with free shipping and a guarantee that all parts were present. I was doubly glad about the parts guarantee when I first opened the box:

I immediately went through the instructions and bagged the individual parts step-by-step and found that they were all present and accounted for:

The Revell Gemini capsule was modeled after McDonnell Aircraft Company's mock-up and does not resemble the capsule as flown into space. Reading the posts and comments on Space Modeling led me to order several aftermarket sets. I'll cover each of these and the need for them as I get to them in the build but here they are:

Gemini Interior Detail Kit, LVM Studios, www.lvm-studios.com

Gemini Detail Set (Exterior), RealSpace Models, www.realspacemodels.com

Ultimate Decals, Gemini, Space Model Systems, http://www.culttvmanshop.com/Space-Model-Systems_bymfg_70-0-1.html

More to follow on my preliminary research, my initial approach to the kit, and the start!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting about your Revell Gemini kit. I have the same kit and am following the same thought processes that you are, with one glaring exception. WHERE did you find the LVM Interior Detail Kit??? LVM is out of business and no online retailers that I can find have any left in stock. Do you by any chance have a secret source for it? If so, I'd love to hear it! I feel its essential to doing this kit justice. Thanks for any help you can offer.
